Sunday, 19 October 2014

Commonly used String Functions

            Several functions are available in SQL server, in those commonly used functions are
    • String functions
      • SUBSTRING()
      • LTRIM()
      • RTRIM()
      • LEFT()
      • RIGHT()
      • REPLACE()
      • LOWER()
      • UPPER()
      • LEN()
      • ASCII()
      • CHAR()
      • REVERSE()
      • CHARINDEX()
      • PATINDEX()
      • STUFF()

    SUBSTRING(): Using SUBSTRING function we can extract part of the string from given string.

                Syntax: SUBSTRING (Expression, start, length)

                Example: SELECT SUBSTRING('SQL server',1,3);

    LTRIM(): It removes leading blank spaces of a string.

                Syntax: LTRIM (String)

                Example: SELECT LTRIM('   SQL SERVER')

    RTRIM(): It removes trailing blank spaces of a string.

    Syntax: RTRIM (String)

                Example: SELECT RTRIM('SQL SERVER   ')

    LEFT(): Returns the left most characters of a string.

    Syntax: LEFT (string, length)

    Example: SELECT LEFT('SQL SERVER',3)

    RIGHT(): Returns the right most characters of a string.

    Syntax: RIGHT (string, length)


    REPLACE(): Returns a string with all the instances of a substring replaced by another substring.

    Syntax: REPLACE (find, replace, string)

    SELECT REPLACE('This is SQL','SQL','structured query language')

    LOWER(): Using this function we can change the string case to lower.

                Syntax: LOWER (String)

                Example: SELECT LOWER('SQL Server')

    UPPER(): Using this function we can change the string case to upper.

                Syntax: UPPER (String)

                Example: SELECT UPPER('SQL Server')

    LEN(): This function returns length of the string.

                Syntax: LEN (String)

                Example: SELECT LEN('SQL Server')

    ASCII(): It returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression.

                Syntax: ASCII (String)

                Example: SELECT ASCII('SQL Server')

    CHAR(): It converts an int ASCII code to a character.  

                Syntax: CHAR (Integer expression)
                Example: select CHAR(83)

    REVERSE(): It returns a character expression in reverse order. 

                Syntax: REVERSE (String)

                Example: SELECT REVERSE('SQL Server')

    CHARINDEX (): Char Index returns the first occurrence of a string or characters within another string.

    Example: I want to find the first occurrence of the letter ‘r’ from the string “SQL Server”.
                SELECT CHARINDEX('R','SQL Server')

    PATINDEX(): As a contrast PatIndex is used to search a pattern within an expression.

                Syntax: PATINDEX ( '%pattern%' , expression)

    Here the first argument takes a pattern with wildcard characters like '%' (meaning any string) or '_' (meaning any character).


    STUFF(): Using this function we can replace specific length of characters with another set of characters.

    Syntax: STUFF (character_expression1, start, length, character_expression2)

                Example: SELECT STUFF('SQL Server is useful',5,6,'Database')

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